Gandia Blasco Flat Textile High Chaise Lounge

Gandia Blasco

Regular price 2.558,00 €
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Versand:  approx. 10-12 weeks
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"FLAT TEXTIL is a collection of outdoor furniture that we designed for GANDIABLASCO in 2014. It is a balanced and flexible collection; an essential formal concept, with a light structure and a considerable addition of fabric."

The heightchaise longue FLAT TEXTILis adesigner chaise longuemade of welded, thermo-lacquered aluminium, covered by a Batyline® fabric body that can be customized in the colour and texture of your choice.

This is more than just achaise longue for outdoor use, it is contemporary, elegant and sober and has been designed to enjoy any outdoor space.

The high chaise longue FLAT TEXTIL is an original design by Mario Ruiz forGANDIABLASCO.



  • Dimensions: L200 xB70 xH33 cm
  • Weight:19.5 kg

Further information

  • Material Gestell: Aluminium
  • Material Bespannung: Batyline, Grid oder Moare (71% PVC - Beschichtetes Polyester und 29 % lösungsgefärbtes Acrylgewebe)
  • Farbvarianten Gestell: weiß(9016), achatgrau(7038), sand(1019), bronze(7006), gold, honig (1005), weinrot(3005), schilfgrün (6013), graublau(5008), nachtblau, zementgrau(7033), flaschengrün(6007), anthrazit(7043), schwarz(9011), cuprum
  • Farbvarianten Batyline: weiß
  • Farbvarianten Moare: weiss, ivory, stone (stein), light green (hellgrün), light blue (hellblau), black (schwarz)
  • Farbvarianten Grid: ivory, bronze, green (grün), terracotta, light grey (hellgrau), night blue (nachtblau), black (schwarz)
  • Kopfteil: in 5 Positionen verstellbar (122°, 135°, 150°, 180°)
  • Die passende Abdeckplane kann wahlweise dazu gekauft werden.
  • Farbübersicht Gestell
  • Farbübersicht Bespannungen

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