Gandia Blasco Flat Textil High Stool with High Backrest

Gandia Blasco

Regular price 1.238,00 €
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Versand:  approx. 10-12 weeks
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"Inspiration is found in travel, on the street, in the objects that surround us. For me, being a designer means living with my senses, attentive to everything. My way of working and understanding design is to design objects that function better and, above all, are honest. My interest in functionality stems from my training in the 1980s. I think that for a few years now everything has become more superficial and flashy: more glamorous in a negative sense."
Mario Ruiz

FLAT TEXTIL is the collection of outdoor furniture designed by Mario Ruiz for GANDIABLASCO. The designer simplifies FLAT's aluminum frame structure and uses Batyline® fabric for the seats and backrests to achieve the necessary lightness. The pieces of furniture in the collection can be combined with each other and are suitable for both small terraces and larger outdoor spaces.

The FLAT TEXTIL high stool with high backrest is an original design by Mario Ruiz for GANDIABLASCO.


  • Dimensions: B50 xT48 xH108 cm
  • Seat height:75 cm
  • Weight:8.6 kg

Further information

  • Material Gestell: Aluminium
  • Material Bespannung: Batyline, Grid oder Moare (71% PVC - Beschichtetes Polyester und 29 % lösungsgefärbtes Acrylgewebe)
  • Farbvarianten Gestell: weiß(9016), achatgrau(7038), sand(1019), bronze(7006), gold, honig (1005), weinrot(3005), schilfgrün (6013), graublau(5008), nachtblau, zementgrau(7033), flaschengrün(6007), anthrazit(7043), schwarz(9011), cuprum
  • Farbvarianten Batyline: weiß
  • Farbvarianten Moare: weiss, ivory, stone (stein), light green (hellgrün), light blue (hellblau), black (schwarz)
  • Farbvarianten Grid: ivory, bronze, green (grün), terracotta, light grey (hellgrau), night blue (nachtblau), black (schwarz)
  • Die passende Abdeckplane kann wahlweise dazu gekauft werden.
  • Farbübersicht Gestell
  • Farbübersicht Bespannungen


  • Name: Gandia Blasco S.A. 
  • Adresse: Músico Vert 4, 46870 Ontinyent, Valencia, Spanien
  • Elektronische Adresse: info@gandiablasco.com

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